22 January 2025
20 December 2024
12 August 2024
02 February 2024
Jakarta, 31/01/2024 - The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, in collaboration with the Education Fund Management Agency (Lembaga Pengelolaan Dana Pendidikan – “LPDP”), has launched the Innovative and Productive Research (Riset Inovatif Produktif – “RISPRO”) program. This program provides funding for research specifically in the field of health. RISPRO aims to generate innovative research outcomes that prioritize enhancing national competitiveness, potentially increasing intellectual wealth and economic value, as well as practical applications of renewable technologies, ultimately contributing to the well-being of the Indonesian society.
PT SOHO Industri Pharmasi (SIP – “SOHO”) welcomed this initiative by applying for research funding to develop herbal-based pharmaceutical formulations aimed at enhancing the immune system (OHT Immunostimulant). The RISPRO application involved substance selection and intensive discussions with LPDP, along with proposal reviewers from BPOM, academic representatives, and healthcare practitioners to assess the feasibility of the submitted research proposal. In the end, SOHO was deemed eligible by LPDP based on technological readiness, innovative ideas, and human resource capabilities, securing a research grant in collaboration with IPB as a research partner.
On January 31, 2024, this proposal was finalized with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between SOHO and LPDP as the funding provider, and SOHO with IPB as the research partner. The MoU signing by SOHO was represented by Dr. Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo, Vice President of Research and Development, Regulatory and Medical Affairs at PT SOHO Industri Pharmasi. LPDP was represented by Mr. Wisnu Soenarso, Director of Research Facilities at LPDP, while IPB was represented by Prof. Sugeng, Director of Research and Innovation at IPB.
The research project will span for three (3) years, starting from February 2024 to 2027, with a total funding valuation of IDR 5 billion for the initial phase. Hopefully, with this collaborative and innovative research, SOHO will be able to introduce a standardized herbal medicine that has been tested for quality, safety, and efficacy as a natural-based immunomodulator from Indonesian ingredients. The aim is for it to compete and become a market leader both domestically and globally.
From Left to Right :
1. Michael (Analytical Method Development & Preclinical Manager) - SIP
2. Ignatine Saulina (Product Development Sr. Manager) - SIP
3. Rosalina Wisastra, Ph.D (Product Innovation & Analytical Method Development Senior Manager) -SIP
4. Prof. Dyah Iswantini Pradono, M.Sc.Agr (Ketua Proyek Riset IPB/Research Head) - IPB
5. Dr. Ir. Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo (Vice President Research & Development, Regulatory & Medical Affairs) - SIP
6. Wisnu Sardjono Soenaraso (Direktur Fasilitasi Riset/Research Facility Director) - LPDP
7. Prof. Sugeng (Direktur Riset dan Inovasi/Research & Innovation Director) - IPB
8. Dr. Eng. Obie Farobie, S.Si, M.Si (Tim Riset) - IPB
9. Lia Maulianawati, A.Ma (Tim Riset) - IPB
10. Purwana (Kepala Divisi Pendanaan Riset/ Research Funding Division Head) -LPDP
11. Adisty D Lestari (Kepala Subdivisi Penilaian Pendanaan Riset/Research Funding Assessment Subdivision Head) – LPDP
12. Ibu Irmawati, Kepala Divisi Evaluasi Pendanaan Riset/Research Funding Evaluation Division Head) - LPDP
SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.
21 September 2020
12 September 09/12/19
15 August 08/15/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
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